It’s our sincere pleasure to welcome you all to be the part of COA – SVIT family. Architecture and Interior Design has been a connection of past, present and future. A journey usually defined as attributes to the pertaining one. As we define roots to be strong enough to hold the tree above like progressing into timelessness. The College of Architecture and Interior Design, SVIT, Vasad holds this into its legacy.

“Architecture should speak of it’s time and place, but yearn for timelessness”– Frank O’ Gehry

College of Architecture has evolved around three fundamental pillars of architecture, art and design. Institute believes in amalgamation and understanding of all three pillars for successive design approaches and application on site. Bridging the gap between an inspired, inventive approach and a practical method with respect to space, volume, material, constantly updating technology, techniques and skills is the merger of the architect and Interior Designer.

We with our best team of faculties, COA SVIT, Vasad constantly strives to achieve excellence. Along with academics; we also focus on overall development of the individual student is emphasized through hands-on classroom activities, skill building programs, workshops, seminars and guest lectures. The department of architecture SVIT has always taken innovative steps in education by continuously exploring new avenues in pedagogy.

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The master of architecture is a rigorous and comprehensive program, preparing graduates for the full range of professional activities in the field of architecture. The course responds to the increasing competition in the professional procurement of building and the growing demand for specialist knowledge & skills in the pursuit of architectural excellence, this programme focuses on development & application of specialist architectural knowledge & advanced design techniques & technologies.

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The course revolves around the studio programs that are well equipped with experienced core faculties and regular- visiting academicians and professionals, each proficient in their area of the expertise.The five-year degree programme has two stages: the Foundation Stage and the Specialization Stage.

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The programme at SVIT, Vasad nourishes minds with the spirit of curiosity, sensitivity and responsibility. Inculcating professionalism, design excellence, ethics and critical appraisal within students. The course fulfils the ascending levels of subject complexity in a progressive manner. It links intensive core-specific courses in Interior Design with a strong liberal arts component.

Architecture & Interior Design
Priya Shah awarded Gold Medal (B ID) at S.P. University Convocation

At the convocation of S.P. University 2023, Priya Shah was awarded Gold Medal in B.ID for highest number of marks in External in all Ten Semester at College of Architecture, SVIT, Vasad.

Simran Maheshwari

GICEA Award 2024 - Final year Topper
